3D Scanning
3D Scanning
Aug 19, 2020
4 minutes of reading
What is a real estate virtual tour? Back in the old days, an open house for real estate properties is an effective marketing strategy used by almost every realtor. However, in later years, there has been a change in the industry – from traditional marketing to massive digitalization. The industry needs to cope with the changes; othe...Read moreReal Estate
Aug 13, 2020
4 minutes of reading
The ‘New Normal’ in the Real Estate Industry When the coronavirus pandemic first happened, people had no idea about its massive effect on the economy and daily lives. Yet now, it is obvious. This pandemic has affected thousands of people and changed the face of many industries, including real estate marketing. Several months have passed, and...Read moreReal Estate Photography
Aug 3, 2020
4 minutes of reading
2020 Real Estate Photography Trends It is undeniably true that the power of photography is dominating the real estate industry. Almost every listing we see online includes well-taken photographs of the properties for sale. This makes it a part of the mainstream. Despite all the unfortunate events this early 2020, there are still rec...Read moreReal Estate Web Development
May 27, 2020
5 minutes of reading
Why You Need a Website for Your Real Estate Business Considering how profitable the real estate industry is, many have ventured into its competitive and fast-paced world. In fact, there are estimated 2 million registered real estate agents in the US – a steady increase over the last decade. Last year, around 701,000 new homes were sold according to ...Read moreReal Estate Photography
May 20, 2020
5 minutes of reading
Bracketing Exposures to Photograph Real Estate Interio... Exposure bracketing is simply taking a series of identical shots at the same aperture but different shutter speeds. Having a constant aperture keeps the depth of field the same. However, changing the exposure allows you to capture well-exposed pictures for all different lighting levels present in ...Read moreUncategorized
May 16, 2020
5 minutes of reading
Things to Know about Real Estate Photography Pricing Real estate photography pricing depends on your prospective market, location, type of properties, photographers, and the number of photos. These are the things you need to consider before hiring a real estate photographer to make high-quality images portraying the overall quality of the properties...Read more